0Monday. 1st June [1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1874 — Madrid
Monday. 1st June [1874]. Just as I was going to dress Hill knocked at the door & entered with a small basket in which was a small white kitten with a blue ribbon round his neck as a present from Conchita Serrano. Esquivel came to arrange about my new picture but they had forgotten to send me the “tabla” to paint it on so he settled to come tomorrow & I am to do the view from the smoking room window. We went out riding at 6 in the Fuente. Maffei & Sigr Miniscalchi son of an Italian friend of Henry’s dined with us. In the eveng came the Canitz & a good many men & there was the usual whist & later we also had our little whist party. They invited me to join an expedition to Toledo tomorrow but I declined but contributed a cake for the good of the party wh Maffei carried off in triumph.

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