0Tuesday. 2nd [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1874 — Madrid
Tuesday. 2nd [June 1874]. Wrote some letters & went up into the tower to draw. Esquivel came with the tabla & told me how to trace the drawing on to it. It was a very stormy afternoon. Old Aylton called and also Mr Jameson & Mr Somerville a Scotch clergyman who preached on Sunday. We went out driving at 6 altho the storm threatened. I called on Mariquilla & arranged to fetch her to drive tomorrow. Moret was there– It began to rain & we were obliged to come home. Practised a little till dinner. In the evening I played the harmonium. The storm grumbled all the evening & there was a deal of lightening.

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