0Wednesday. 3rd [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1874 — Madrid
Wednesday. 3rd [June 1874]. A dull morning & a good deal of rain so Esquivel did not come. I wrote to Lady Somers & practised the piano a little. Was going to the Exhibition of Modern Artists but it was too dark. Count Maffei came & gave us an account of their trip to Toledo. It appears by some delay they did not get back to Madrid till 12½ at night. Mr Saint Martin came to call as he leaves tonight. Mme Canitz also came & we had tea before she went off to the christening of Brehm’s baby to whom she is godmother. Bernar came to see Henry & then I dressed to go out to fetch Mariquilla for a drive. We went to Bachs but it came on to rain so hard that I took her to her uncles & came home. I practised piano till dinner time. After dinner I dressed & we went to the Serranos & I took Venturita a fan for a present. Met Mme Vilches there in all the glory of her flaxen wig & she was very amiable—clothes being the great topic.

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