0Saturday. 13th [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 June 1874 — Madrid
Saturday. 13th [June 1874]. We breakfasted at 12 but at 8 Aurelie had gone off to their house to finish packing. Mr de Canitz returned to breakfast but Aurelie had hers later. Mr & Mrs Davies of Jerez called. Esquivel came but I was [with] the Davies & he could not wait. As there was so much going in & out I could settle to nothing but work so trimmed a jacket for Kitty. At 5 Mrs Aylton called later Hatzfeldt & Radolinsky. Aurelie had abt ½ hours quiet with me & then at 6 went off to see the Ayltons—& came back to dinner at 7. Nicholas came to bring them a paper so we asked him to stay & dine wh he did. I then went & dressed to go & dine at the Presidencia. The Dss gave a dinner composed entirely of ladies to celebrate her fête today being St Antonio. At 7½ the Canitz took leave & went away having told every body that they were going tomorrow in order to prevent people going to see them off. I went to the Presidencia. The Dss & I walked first into dinner together & then took opposite sides of the table I sitting in the Dukes place. Beside me I had the Condesa de Iranzo & Condessa de Almina. We were 23 at table but it was rather dull as the ladies talked little & after dresses & jewels were discussed there was a silence. Luckily the band played in the court yard which helped to entertain us. The ADC’s walked round the corridors peeping in & the Duke came in during dessert– After dinner there was a reception & Henry came & fetched me & we departed at 10½.

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