0Thursday. 18th [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 June 1874 — Madrid
Thursday. 18th [June 1874]. All the morning painting & Esquivel gave me a lesson; at 5 Missie came to tea. Henry went to F.O. & I waited for him to come back & go out with me—but towards 6 when he came it got dark & a thunderstorm came up so that we were obliged to give it up. The Dss de la Torre came to see us & bid us goodbye & soon after came the Serrano children & Conchita stayed dinner– We played vingt et un until dinner time. Clarita came & dined & after dinner the children played hide & seek till 9½ when we went to the Circo de Madrid to see the ballet Satanella in which la Pinchiara danced better than ever– We left Missie, Concha & Clarita at their several homes.

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