0Friday. 19th [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 June 1874 — Madrid
Friday. 19th [June 1874]. Painted & Esquivel gave me a last lesson—& I am not going to do more to the sketch from the window. Mr MacDonell called. At 4 Henry got a telegram from M. Saint Martin to say that Princess Alice does not start till Saty instead of Wedy so we decided to change our route & try Jaca. We went to try & find Nicholas & ask him abt it. He told us the Jaca route is as bad & advised us to go by Pamplona wh we settled to do. We went on to Fuente & drove & walked. After dinner we went & called for the Brehm children & took them to Prices circus which was very amusing. We saw a man dance beautifully on the tight rope & the clowns were very amusing–

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