0Saturday. 11th [July 1874]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 July 1874 — Langham House, Portland Place
Saturday. 11th [July 1874]. Breakfasted in bed with Blanche. Went with Henry to see Mrs Austen. There was a great breakfast at Hatfield for P. & Pss of Wales. The M & S & Blanche went– There was a thunderstorm. After lunch Elisabeth de Martino came & stayed a good time talking. At 5 I went off to join Henry at the Berties at 5 tea. Met there the Ponsonbys & took them to Mount St afterwards. We dined at the Hutchins met there Maria & Rd, M. & Mde Merry del Val &c &c. I sang Spanish songs. Just as we got home the others returned from Hatfield.

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