0Monday. 13th [July 1874]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 July 1874 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 13th [July 1874]. Spent the morning in the garden & singing to the children. Maria had a telegram from Charlie to say Connie had a boy born this morning at 7. After lunch Maria & I drove up to town & we went to Ovington Gardens to see the baby which we found was a very large boy. Connie hearing us insisted on seeing us. We met Lady Lou. Ponsonby there. Maria & Rd dined at Lang. Hse. Henry & I dined at Ld St Germans & then went on to the ball at Hamilton House given to the P. & Pss of Wales. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers & large blocks of ice. In the shelves of the windows were banks of green moss with T. & C’s initials in stephanotus &c &c. Besides the Wales’ there were P. Christian, the Crown Prince, the Teck & D. of Mecklenburg Strelitz. In the middle of the ball the Crown P. got a telegram saying Bismark had been shot at & slightly wounded. Henry & I left early.

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