0Saturday. 15th [August 1874]—Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 August 1874 — Venice
Saturday. 15th [August 1874]. When we got up it was raining but it cleared & we were able to go to the Lido– Idita did not come—having thought it was not fine eno’ she had not got ready. Cortellazzo arrived from Vicenza with his big dog he brought here on purpose to show us. It was a very hot day—there was a scirocco blowing. Henry & Morelli went to the Academy & I joined them there later—& then we went to Giovanelli’s palace to see the pictures there. Morelli knew them all & showed them to us– Just as we were leaving there (abt 2.30) there came on a great thunderstorm so being close to Rawdon Browns where we were going to tea at 4 we went there at once & took refuge. We stayed with him till 4 & had tea & a very pleasant chat but the storm came down & we had to shut the outside shutters for fear of the hail wh came down as large as a franc piece—but it was soon over. We returned home at 4 & I painted at my view of San Georgio. Cortellazzo dined with us on the terrace & we afterwards went to meet Morelli in the Piazza.

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