0Friday. 8th [January 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1875 — Madrid
Friday. 8th [January 1875]. I wrote for Henry & Louise & Bernadine Aylton came & worked & when I went out at 3.30 I took the latter to the school of Sr Isabel & then went to see the Dss de la Torre & managed to get in. She was looking very tired from the fatigue of arranging the house– I picked up Henry in the Recolletos & took him home. Found Mme Greindl at the door when I got home. She came up & had tea with me. When she was gone I worked at the Aylton’s sleeves & after dinner before we went to the Fernan Nuñez had finished one pair. There was dancing at Fernan Nuñez but not very many people. I sat with Mmes La Romana & Molins.

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