0Tuesday. 26th [January 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 January 1875 — Madrid
Tuesday. 26th [January 1875]. Painted all the morning. Miss Budtry called also Fitch & the D. Bonifacio de Blas. The latter seemed low abt the state of things here. I went out at 3. Henry went to the Canovas del Castillo for the first time since he has been president & then met me at the dentists. From there he went to Queseda’s music. I went to see the Dss de la Torre & sat some with her. I then went to see Clarita who is still in bed. Called on the Phipps, who were out, & came home – Louise Aylton called. The Riaños dined with us. At 10 went to the Opera “Aida” for an hour—.

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