0Wednesday. 3rd [March 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 March 1875 — Madrid
Wednesday. 3rd [March 1875]. Went to breakfast with Dss de la Torre & came home at 1. She expects Serrano back on Sunday for a few days before going to Andalusia. He is to go & pay his respects to the King as Capt. Genl he is bound to do. The Govt want to make it appear that he will support them but that he will not do on acct of their retrograde policy. The rest of the day I worked at my screen & did not go out. Rancès called. He is recalled from Rome & is named to London where he goes in a fortnight. In the eveng we went to the Bauers. They tell us that poor Sr Carretero has returned from Malaga dying of rapid decline. As we came home it began to rain a little.

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