0Saturday. 13th March [1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 March 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. 13th March [1875]. I went out at 3.30 fetched Miss Bruce & Emilia. We went to try & see the King going in state to the Atocha to the “Salve”. We went into the church to show Miss B. Found it full of people—& there was a long row of carriages waiting outside. After waiting a long time H.M. came abt ¼ to 5 five or 6 lancers before him in single file then the King & Infanta in a little open carriage with 4 horses & postillions in blue velvet & silver—then a company of lancers & afterwards the “servidumbre” in 2 carriages. We went to the Retiro where the almond trees are in flower.

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