0Tuesday. 1st June [1875]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1875 — Baveno
Tuesday. 1st June [1875]. Woke at 5 in the morng at the noise of shouting & splashing in the lake wh we concluded was the officers bathing before starting. In the afternoon we went to see the steamer to see if we knew any one. Mr Henfrey & Col L’Estrange came to call on us & Mr Henfrey invited us up to his house so we walked up with him to his villa on the hill. He has a spendid house inside but not so attractive outside being a red brick pretentious French castle. We had tea in their terrace & [Mr Henfrey] introduced us to Mrs L’Estrange & his nieces Miss Henfreys & Sir Vincent & Lady Eyre arrived to stay with them. We afterwards took a walk in the gardens & saw the little church & got back for the table d’hõte. Sat out in the eveng & watched the fireflies wh were very numerous.

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