0Wednesday. 2nd June [1875]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1875 — Baveno
Wednesday. 2nd June [1875]. We sent Hill off alone to Venice to help arrange the Ca’ Capello for us as Giovanni had telegraphed to say that the house cd not be ready by tomorrow– Painted flowers in the morning. We took a walk up the Hill & picked ferns & went up to a very picturesque spot where we found a powder mill where the gun powder for blasting stone was being made– When we got to the hotel again found the Eyres from Mr Henfreys & Wm & Lady Vica. Freke from Stresa had come to call on me—sat talking to them in garden & then dressed & went to dine with the Henfreys. Mrs H. never appears having had a spinal complastet for 9 years. After dinner we sang each of us & then they played a game of pool. Walking home we were surprised at the myriads of fireflies in the long damp grass which were quite dazzling to behold. It seemed as tho’ the stars came right down under ones feet & were dancing for joy.

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