0Thursday. 3rd [June 1875]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1875 — Baveno
Thursday. 3rd [June 1875]. Painted flowers at home in the morng & at 2 went out to make a little sketch near the village church with its tall tower & view of the lake & hills beyond. Henry left me drawing & at 4 came & fetched me & we took an open carriage & went to Stresa to call on the Frekes & then we went & bid the Henfreys party good bye. After table d’hõte & went with Revd Mr Noel & his daughter on the lake in a boat & we rowed by turns. We met the Henfrey party out in their boat & had some singing. I had to pack up before going to bed as we start early tomorrow.

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