0Monday. 26th [July 1875]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1875 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 26th [July 1875]. Wrote in the morning. Mr Malcolm came over with a cagefull of birds wh had arrived by the P&O & he gave me 10 small birds & an Australian pigeon. After I had painted we went to call on Brown to see a copy of a Titian wh he has had done for Ld Bath’s ceiling. El Marques de la Romana & Signor Ferrari dined with us & we went afterwards to the Piazza– Romana went to the Lido & F. stayed with us. Col Talbot Clifton who is here in his yacht “Tyne” was brought to us by old Smallwood. He speaks & moves with difficulty & seems ½ paralitic.

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