0Wednesday. 18th [August 1875]—Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 August 1875 — Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
Wednesday. 18th [August 1875]. The Portals & Dr Hooker left– “Fergy”, Mrs Burr, Henry & I drove over to see a place called Bramshill wh belongs to the Cope family. It is a very curious old gabled house wh was done up in the time of Charles I for P. Henry to live in. It has a very handsome avenue leading to it & is placed on the brow of a hill. We had our luncheon with us & eat it sitting under a tree. We did not go into the house but took a walk in the Pine wood where there are some beautiful trees of the date of P. Henry. We got back to dinner.

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