0Saturday. 20th [November 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 November 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. 20th [November 1875]. All the rumours of peace have melted away & it turns out that D. Carlos sent his ADC with a letter to say that tho’ fighting in Spain he was a Spaniard & if there was a war with Spain & the U. States that he would make a truce & join with Alfonso in the war giving his troops. It happens that the difference with the U.S. was settled so that D. Carlos’ magnanimous offer was of no use! I began to paint before breakfast when Col. Fitch came to garden for me. We made him breakfast with us & then I spent till 3 o’cl: helping to transplant our indian rubber trees into wooden tubs & training & cutting the jessamine in the court yard. Sir Howard Elphinstone called having come from Gib: where he is with Prince Arthur. Henry & I went out, he went to see Ludolf & then joined me at the Walshams. Lady W. was down in the drawing room on the sofa. Sir Howard dined with us but went away early to the Opera–

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