0Sunday. 21st [November 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 November 1875 — Madrid
Sunday. 21st [November 1875]. Grau came & brought the copy of the Concha for Mr Thompson Hankey. Henry & I went out walking but when we got outside our door we had to come in for warmer clothing as the air was so keen & cold. We walked to Css Montijo’s but did not see her—went on to see Css Canelaux whom we found in. Came home early. Sir H. Elphinstone, the Hunts, Fitch, M. Gustenberg, Mirecki, Ruiz Gomez dined with us. Inzenga came in the eveng & we had some music. Mirecki played a new sonata by Raff. Clarita sang beautifully.

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