0Monday. 22nd [November 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 November 1875 — Madrid
Monday. 22nd [November 1875]. Sir Howard came to breakfast with us at 11.30. I painted most of the morng. Henry went to the Gallery with Sir H. At 2 I went out & fetched Emilia & we went to the school of Sta Isabel about my linen they are making & left some cards & came home early Emilia accompanying me & stayed working till 6 when D. Juan fetched her. Recd in the eveng & a good many people came viz the Bernars, Mme Wagner, the Ulloas, Ayltons, Salms, d’Antas & some men. Heard that Sr Castro who was Minister for F.A. before Ponton has had a slight stroke.

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