0Wednesday. 19th [January 1876]—Madrid
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19 January 1876 — Madrid
Wednesday. 19th [January 1876]. Messenger came in. Brought me letters from Lady Ely with orders to enquire of Mme Comyn in the Queen’s name also one from Lady Somers. Went out driving & went first to Mme Comyn to give her the message & Lady Ely’s note—& then on to Mme Montijo’s & saw her in her bedroom where she is still kept by a cold. I then went to the Fuente & met Henry. He called on Cushing & I on Lady Walsham who receives on Wednesday & met there the Salms & Sedorovitch—but went home early as Henry had to write. In the eveng we went [to] take tea with the D’Antas where there was most of the Corps Diplomatique & came home abt 12.

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