0Sunday. 16th [April 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 April 1876 — Madrid
Sunday. 16th [April 1876]. Henry fainted again in bed & did not get up till 11. I did not get to church. B. Aylton came to see me in the morng so I invited her to go to the concert with me & Mr Morier. Mme Murietta was at the concert & I saw her for the first time; she was got up in the exaggeration of fashion. I thought her handsome & distingué but rather hard featured & painted. Moret came to concert to fetch Mr Morier & took him to the bullfight. Went to leave a card on the Nuncio & then came home. Mr & Mrs Fowler, The Hatzfeldts,               .

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