0Thursday. 20th April [1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 April 1876 — Madrid
Thursday. 20th April [1876]. Emilia Riaño came in the morning & we discussed next week’s fêtes. At 2.30 I went out to see the Marquise de la Romana to offer her Mme Hatzfeldt’s deep flounce of Point de Genes wh she wants to sell. I then went out to see the Dss of Fernan Nuñez who came to see me yesterday while I was out. She said she was prepared to give an entertainment for the Prince when he came. I went on to Css Montijo’s & told her that HRH was coming. Found her in bed with a bad cold & saw her in her bed. She said she was in such deep mourning for the Dss of Medinaceli she cd not go out to meet the Prince but wd pay him a visit in the daytime. From here I went to fetch Emilia. Then E & I went to make enquiries abt hiring furniture &c. The Hatzfeldts, Ly Walsham & Clarita came to tea. Also the Dss de la Torre.

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