0Friday. 30th June [1876]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1876 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 30th June [1876]. Bathed with Henry & Hill. Went to S. Isidoro at 2 & stayed painting till 5 when Henry fetched me bringing the Edens & Mme Pilat & got Gonzalvo to show them his pictures. Coming out we met Mme Marcello. Just as we were sitting down to dinner a tremendous thunderstorm began & the thunder went on without ceasing till ¼ to 8—about 1¼ hour. We could not go out as the storm did not then cease altogether, so I made cigarettes & then played a song till bedtime. In the afternoon from 4 till 6 Mme Marcello’s 3 youngest children came with their English nurse to tea.

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