0Thursday. 27th July [1876]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1876 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 27th July [1876]. Put by & packed things. Gonzalvo came to breakfast & gave me a lesson in perspective. In afternoon went to see Gonzalvo at St Marks—then went to Guggenheim’s. He had just come back from his honeymoon. Went to take leave at Salviatis. Went to say adieu to Mme Marcello. After dinner Mme Marcello & Teresa came for a last farewell—Gonzalvo also & he gave me a sketch of his as a remembrances. We went to the Piazza & met the Brandolinis & took leave. At 2 PM Menghetti had called on us.

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