0Monday. 7th [August 1876]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1876 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Monday. 7th [August 1876]. Spent all the morning dawdling about. Went with Blanche to see Mrs Allen the old lodge keeper who now lives in the racquet court. Also Mrs Meaby’s son who has just married Mr Dawson Damer (the present Rector’s) housemaid & who live at the racquet court. Blanche & Edward left abt 2 o’cl for London where they are to remain at Hamilton Hse for her confinement. In the afternoon I & Mr Clark & little Ivan went out driving with Cornelia in the victoria. We went along the new Poole road to look at the young plantations. We returned by the sun pits & went to Moortown to see Cornelia’s farm & had new milk. Tea in the garden. The Damers came to tea & Mr D. & Ivor played lawn tennis. Kate & baby arrived abt 6.

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