0Friday. 1st September [1876]—Blackheath
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 September 1876 — Blackheath
Friday. 1st September [1876]. Went up to town with Henry. He took me straight to Hamilton House. We sat working together till 1 when Dr Brodie came & I consulted him & he ordered me strengthening medicine. At 2 I went off to lunch with Adeline & Arthur to meet the Hambros. I found Adeline but Arthur was out & Susan did not come. At 3 Blanche fetched me in a victoria I hired & we did some shopping together. It came on to pour but it was only a shower. At 5 we drove to the Foreign Office where I had promised to go to have tea with Henry Eliot—& I sent Blanche home– I met Henry there & we took tea & had a little talk & then went to Charing X station & went back to Blackheath.

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