0Thursday. 28th [September 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 September 1876 — Madrid
Thursday. 28th [September 1876]. Unpacked & arranged things all the morning. Copied some letters for Henry. Col. Fitch called also Clarita– Then Sir Henry Thompson the gt surgeon who is here with his daughter on his way to the South. Had tea at 4. Alfred Weil came & went with us to show us the Ettling’s house S. Francisco 4 which he thinks our Govt may like to buy for the Legation as the lease of the present house is up at the end of the year. The Ettling (former Silavini) house is a very fine one & we greatly hope it may be bought. £20,000 is asked for it. We went to leave cards on Canovas, the Aleañices & Calderon Collantes.

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