0Thursday. 5th October [1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 October 1876 — Madrid
Thursday. 5th October [1876]. Copied letter for Henry. Henry went out at 10 to see a house which is to be sold in the Calle Caballero de Gracias with M. Bernar. Messenger Hare left with despatches. I sent Alice some white damask & Merthyr a Carlist cap. At 5 went out driving with Henry; we went to look at the neighbourhood of the Ettling house & then just looked into the door of Cab. de Gracias. It was a very hot but windy & dusty eveng & we stayed out till after dark. Esquivel came to see me in the morng having just returned from Paris– In the eveng I played the piano & then we played backgammon.

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