0Sunday. 15th [October 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 October 1876 — Madrid
Sunday. 15th [October 1876]. R. Gomez came at 10 & took the Dean & Mr W. to the Pro: chapel in Calle Leganitos. They returned by 11.30 & we went to service below. R. Gomez attended our service & sat with us. The Dean preached & took for text “It is finished.” He has a loud clear voice & preaches & reads very slowly. We lunched at 1. At 2 we drove the Dean out towards the Bullring that he might see the crowd going to the Fight. We saw the espadas & toreros all drive past & then came home & the D. & I went to the afternoon prayers– There was only Fitch & 2 ladies there besides. At 4 Col Fitch & the Dean drove off to see the country & returned to tea. Salm called. Mr Williamson went with Mr Kennedy to the Bullfight. Mr Dawson, Kennedy, Fitch & Monteverde, Mr Horace Young Consul at Bilbao & his uncle Mr Young dined with us. Had a good deal of talk in eveng with the Dean. He promised to send me some of his books. Took leave as he & Mr W. go away tomorrow.

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