0Friday. 16th [March 1877]—Cadiz
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 March 1877 — Cadiz
Friday. 16th [March 1877]. Went to lunch with Admiral B. Seymour on board the “Minotaur.” He sent to fetch us at the muelle his steam barge. He then showed us over the ship. It is most wonderful—has 5 masts & is 160 metres long. The Adl is splendidly lodged. At abt 3 we returned to land & went to return Topete’s visit. Suddenly it was announced that Mme Ratazzi was at the door so we bundled off. She arrived at Cadiz last night, had brought Topete a letter from his brother the Adl at Madrid & she had sent to beg him to take her to see our squadron– I went back to the hotel to rest while Henry went to return the call of the Ayuntamiento. He says he found them sitting in state with mace bearers &c &c to receive him & they made him a speech in Spanish wh he answered in French & there were flourishes of trumpets &c &c Miss Owens came to see me with Mr & Mrs Picardo—she young but painted & got up! We went to dine with the Adl & met the Capt. Ld Walter Ker, the Lt Mr Brand & his civilian Brother (sons of the Speaker) & Mr Fisk. Good dinner & excellent band of music. We left abt 10 & were taken back in the barge.

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