0Tuesday. 20th [March 1877]—Cadiz
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1877 — Cadiz
Tuesday. 20th [March 1877]. We had a grand breakfast given us by some Spanish Admirals (Chirarro, MacMahon, Topete). Our officers were invited but they had all gone to play cricket at Jerez. There were 9 Spaniards & ourselves. They assembled in our sitting room & we breakfasted in the room of the table d’hôte which was screened off at one end. Adl Izquierdo gave me his arm to go down, a very shaky ancient marine he was. They were all very jolly & good natured, & we were a long time over our repast. Henry had afterwards a visit from an Englishman a Mr Petty purveyor to the Fleet & he offered to show us the way to walk on the walls. He took us & left us there. We took a good walk & had a good blow of fresh air & it was not very easy to walk along against the wind. Mr Reade dined with us. Henry’s cold bad & we went early to bed. Hatzfeldt & Silvela expected here tonight.

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