0Friday. 25th [May 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 25th [May 1877]. Col Baker’s wife came with Mrs Baring to call upon me. She is a nice lookg person very tall & large fair, with a good natured face. She seemed very shy & unhappy. Ahmet Vefik Pasha came to dine with us also Sir Henry & Lady Davies & Mr Kennedy. All the world was in a stir at this affair of the Softas who had yesterday forced their way into the Chambers to insist upon a change in the Ministry in consequence of wh the town of Constple was declared put into a state of seige. Vefik declares there is little importance in the affair & that the chambers will not be dissolved as is expected. Vefik returned home in his caique. The Davies’ are staying at Petala’s hotel.

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