0Thursday. 2nd [August 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 August 1877 — Therapia
Thursday. 2nd [August 1877]. Bathed. The bad weather a little abated. Worked pillows &c—& practised guitar with miss B. Visit from Mrs Newman. Henry went to town in the steam launch. Mr Tuckerman called. Julian left for Pera to go off tomorrow for Adrianople. Miss B. & all the young sec’s went to play lawn tennis at the Fawcett’s. I accompanied them as far as the village where I went to call on Mme Contian but not finding her in returned & wrote Turkish exercises. Had Sir G & Lady Thomas, M. Montesquiou, Ct Casanova, Freiherr von Rössing (Capt of Pomerania) to dinner. Music & bandages in the eveng.

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