0Monday. 6th [August 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 August 1877 — Therapia
Monday. 6th [August 1877]. Went out after breakfast & sat in grove while Henry & Miss Boyd practised lawn tennis. Spent the rest of the morning making bolsters for the hospital at Kavak. At 3.30 had a visit from Princess Halim Pasha. She came in her steam launch accompanied by one slave girl & a eunuch. She was beautifully dressed in a damask greyish blue dress embroidered with birds nests & lady birds. She took off her farace & yashmet. Hill waited on us & brought us coffee & tea &c. The Pss stayed till after 5. She talked about all kinds of things about the life of Turkish women & said she supposed things would someday change for them but that it could not be soon & perhaps their children’s children might be more free she said. “Nous sommes prevus de tout” but she seemed to say it without much regret. She said they were more free in Egypt where ladies could ride. She said there was necessarily much jealousy where there was more than one wife—that women were naturally jealous all over the world & that it was the same here but “Que faire? Heureusement je suis seule—la seule légitime.” Soon after 5 she went away. In putting on her yashmak she said she did not advocate the doing away of the yashmak as it was so becoming “Cela nous fait parâitre toutes jolies.” She left soon after 5– I had a visit from Lady Thomas & after from a Dr Williamson who is Lady Strangford’s avant courrier & wants to prepare a hospital for her to work in. I referred him to the chancery & to the Red Crescent. I then took my work to the garden where I was joined by Major de Winton & Capt Malloy & then by Mr Wrench. Henry went out riding with Mr Kennedy. Miss Boyd went out to Beikos to join the Hansons & walk. Just before dinner the Red + ship containing Mr Young came in from the Bk Sea & Mr Young & 2 Drs came on shore to see Henry—one Dr was Dr Stokes who is in the Turkish service & said he had been in Circassia with the Turks & that that expedition having failed Hobart Pasha had re-embarked them & brought them away with great success to their great relief. This was near Sukhum-kaleh. Mr Young said he had 70 wounded on board that he had brought from that place to be placed in these hospitals. Ct Pisani & Mr Kennedy dined with us.

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