0Monday. 13th [August 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1877 — Therapia
Monday. 13th [August 1877]. Major de Winton, Miss Boyd & I spent the morng counting over store of sheets &c & made up 2 boxes to send off to Adrianople. Henry went to town in the mouche. We played lawn tennis. Mr & Mrs W. Hanson came to stay a night. They came in time to play tennis & Capt Stopford came over also & Capt Fraser. Had a dinner party viz the W. Hansons, Dr & Mrs Millingen, Capt Fraser, M. Longeville, Dr Schroeder, Kennedy, Mr Whitaker. After dinner a good many people came in & as there were several young people we opened the drawing room door into the corridor & played the piano for dancing. It was soon found that the piano could not be well eno heard so some of the gentlemen carried it out into the passage. They danced till about 12 o’cl & then departed– Henry went off to bed before that. There were about 7 couples dancing at a time. Lady Burdett Coutts sent Henry £1000 for the poor fugitives.

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