0Saturday. 22nd [September 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 September 1877 — Therapia
Saturday. 22nd [September 1877]. Miss Boyd & I worked in the morng. Had visit from Mehmet Bey to tell abt refugees. Gave him money & promised clothes. Telegram from Shipka that Julian is better. At 3 went out in the small caique to leave cards at Yeni-keui & at Buyukdéré, Visit from Dr Millingen & his son from Bagdad. It was very hot on the water & we were glad to get home & sit in the grove. Played lawn tennis & had tea. Old Mrs Hanson & Mrs Cumberbatch came to call & sat in the grove with us. Capts Wingfield, Stopford, & Greville & Drummond came to tennis. At 6 Miss Boyd went away to Candilli to stay the night with Mrs Willie Hanson. Mr Gay came to dine & sleep, the Genl dined out. Mr Smijth, Kennedy & Elliot dined. Made bandages as usual.

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