0Monday. 19th [November 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 November 1877 — Therapia
Monday. 19th [November 1877]. I went out fishing with Mr Parnis at 7.30 in the morng. A lovely warm day but bad sport. Only caught 5 gurnet. At 11 went down to town with Henry in the launch– Left him at Server P. & went to the Khan to transact business. Henry fetched me away abt 2. I had Mr Bartlett of the “Constance” to meet me & some of the Hansons & did a lot of work. Was tired & glad to get a little tea when we went to call on Mr Lovett on board the “Constance.” It was a most lovely day & as we took Mr Bartlett home with us & he saw the Bosphorus at its best. Got home at 5 just at dusk. Mr Bartlett dined & slept. Sang in the evening.

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