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3 December 1877 — Constantinople | |
Monday. 3rd December [1877]. Went to Stamboul with Mrs de Winton at 12.30 & met at the Refugee hospital Mme Helmy Pasha, Drs Dickson & Lago, Mr Bartlett, Gay, & Guarracino. Found 23 patients & heard very sad storys one poor woman had escaped with some neighbours fm some place wh had been taken by the Russians & did not know the fate of any of her relations– One had seen her child murdered before her eyes & had got burnt in getting away from the flaming houses– She had come here with 2 children & being so ill had been taken to our hospital & now she wished to find her children who are somewhere in this town—she knows not where. We distributed cigarettes & came home to luncheon. Did not go out again– Worked—& arranged the drawing room with Mrs de Winton. Had dinner party for the Dolez besides them the D’Ehrenhoffs – Charles Warings – M. Christich, Mr Bowles, Genl Klapka, the Genl, Mr Elliot & M. de Mony dined. A good many people came in the eveng. | |
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