0Friday. 5th April [1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 April 1878 — Constantinople
Friday. 5th April [1878]. Henry went by caique to Hyssar to see Ahmet Vefyk P. who is ill in bed. Said P. & Mehemet Ali P. came to call & I saw them. They were in high spirits at Ld Salisbury’s circular. Henry came home for lunch. Wrote for the post & sent photos: home to Whitehall Review & Graphic. Fine day. Fournier came to call while we were at lunch. Mrs de Winton taken out in the chair & took her lunch in the garden. I went out abt 4 & we had tea in the garden. The Verhaeghes called also Mme Lebet. Walked in the garden with the Adl. The telegrams rather more pacific. Mr Bartlett ill—either small pox or typhus.

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