0Saturday. 6th [April 1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1878 — Constantinople
Saturday. 6th [April 1878]. It was a lovely day. The Adl left us before lunch. Mrs de Winton came & sat in my boudoir in the morning. After luncheon I made Mrs de Winton go out to the garden– Major de Winton had taken away her invalid chair to take Mr Bartlett to the hospital so I had to make her walk down the first flight of steps wh she did leaning on me & Hill & having a rest on every landing. At the top of the large stair case we had the sedan chair & she was carried down into the garden & sat in an armchair an hour & we had tea. Henry joined us after his ride. As soon as I had got Mrs de Winton in I went to see after Mr Leveson Gower who was not well & gave him some tea in my boudoir. Billiards in the eveng. I played with the Genl.

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