0Sunday. 7th April [1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1878 — Constantinople
Sunday. 7th April [1878]. Expected the H. Hansons to breakfast they sent word they could not come. I went down to the Top-khaneh Arsenal Wharf to meet them in my sedan chair. They met me in their large caique & took me over to Kadi-keui. It was a lovely morng. We started at 10 & arrived at K in time for the service at the small English church. Mr Lafontaine & Mr Whitall met us at the landing place & we walked up straight to church. After service the J. Lafontaines asked us to lunch with them & we did so & then walked down to reembark & go to Top-khaneh at ¼ to 4. It was a lovely day & quite smooth in the caique. All the Embassy dined with us except Mr L. Gower who is still ill.

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