0Thursday. 23rd May [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 May 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 23rd May [1878]. Mr Hanson & Mr Eyre & Black went away by early steamer. Mrs Hanson stayed until 12 o’cl & then returned to Candilli. Henry & I drove to Mashlak in the afternoon in the new carriage to try it. Back at 5– Tea in the grove. Abt 11 A.M. the wind suddenly changed from S. to N. and it became quite cool. Mr H. Hanson came to call & played lawn tennis. Henry & I dined at the French Embassy at a dinner in honor of Prince Labanoff the new Russian Ambr. All the gentlemen of the Corps Dip were there (the heads) except the Dutchman. The Reuss were there. Fournier took me in & I sat between him & Labanoff. We had the celebrated Sevre dessert set & Fournier made me a present of one of them.

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