0Friday. 24th [May 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 May 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 24th [May 1878]. Queens birthday. P. & Pss Reuss—Css Holberg & Mme Einsiedel & Prince Labanoff came to luncheon. It was a cold day & a wet mist kept trying to come up from the Black Sea—by 4 oclock it succeeded in enveloping us entirely & it became very chilly. Baron Galvagna & the French Ambr & Dr Baroletti & Genl Mehemet Ali P. & Zarifi came to call & the Cliftons from Candilli & the Fawcetts so altho’ I went out intending to play tennis I cd not do so but took Fournier round the rose walk & then had to come in. Messrs Ash: & Ken: dined with us.

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