0Thursday. 27th June [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 27th June [1878]. The Admiral & Mr Winsloe left to return to the Fleet soon after breakfast. I sent the Cavass to fetch Jerry home from the Antelope & he returned penitent. Directly after lunch I went off in the steam launch to call on the Caratheodorys & found them in, the mother & 2 daughters in law. I then went on to Pss Nazlie whom I found at home & very much cut up at the loss of her friend Mme d’Ehrenhoff. I sat with her some time & only got home in time to dress for dinner. Mr Mallet & Cartwright dined with us. News of death of young Queen of Spain.

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