0Monday. 8th July [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 July 1878 — Therapia
Monday. 8th July [1878]. Mr H. Guarracino lunched with us. At 3.30 we went out in the big caique & took Mr Mallet & Cartwright with us & went to the island at the entrance of the Black Sea called Symplegades and we landed & climbed up to the top of the rock by the help of some barefooted Greeks who came from the village of Fanaraki close by. At the top of the rock we came to the altar stone dedicated to Apollo by the Greeks– The inscriptions are weather worn but the altar has remained at its place for nearly 7000 years—or more. Visit from Mme Fournier & Mme de Torey on my return.

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