0Friday. 12th [July 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 12th [July 1878]. Directly after breakfast the Adl & Mr Winsloe & I went out to arrange the garden for the party; got a tent put up, brought out chairs & carpets & had a sail stretched on the tennis ground to dance on. It was very hot & the wind South. I wore black & silver gauze & white felt bonnet with white feathers. Over 200 people came & the dancing was kept up till after 7 when I thought it best to have God save the Queen played. We had the Admiral’s band to play—a good string band– Safvet P. & [illegible word] Damat & the Sultan’s chamberlain & an ADC came amongst others. Zichy stayed & dined & slept. The Admiral & Mr Winsloe left in the Helicon abt 7 to return to Prinkipo.

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