0Sunday. 18th August [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 August 1878 — Therapia
Sunday. 18th August [1878]. Sat talking to Aimée & brushed & arranged Ida’s hair. Mr Gresley came abt 12 & stayed to luncheon. The General is said to have a bad sore throat & excused himself. Mr Gresley stayed till 6. I painted view of French Embassy. Henry went to town in the steam launch to compliment Zichy on the Emperor’s birthday. When he came home went & sat in the garden with him. At 7 the girls, Jerry & I went to my bedroom & read the Psalms & lessons before dinner. Mr Foster, Mr Calvert, Ken: Ash: Cart: Lord George, Mallet & Sandison dined. Sang hymns in eveng.

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