0Monday. 19th [August 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 August 1878 — Therapia
Monday. 19th [August 1878]. Henry went to Safvets with Mr Sandison in the 3 oared caique and the wind blew hard & they had great difficulty in getting back & arrived after our luncheon. I went on with Aimée’s portrait and at 1 o’cl. Mrs A. Hanson arrived. Just after lunch Henry returned & Mehemet Ali P. called to bid us good bye as he leaves tonight on a mission to Albania. He lunched with Henry & went off to town. We played lawn tennis abt 5 oclock & then I came in & copied a letter for Henry. Mr Ken: & Ash dined. Very few people came in the eveng to the dance.

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